It looks like Owen will start treatments next week. Unfortunately, the cancer is pretty advanced and they need to use the high dose of radiation to try and kill it. Owen WILL have neurological issues in the future. There is just no way around it. We need to take one day at a time and deal with getting rid of the cancer first.

Owen had a speech assessment yesterday. At his age, speech is a good way of measuring intelligence. We always thought he was advanced but didn't have any proof. A normal 4 year old(Owen will be 4 in February) is in the 8-13 range. 8 being the low end of the "normal" range and 13 being the high end of the "normal" range. Owen scored a 15. That makes this even harder. He would have had such a bright future. If he can beat the cancer, he will most likely not be able to live on his own when he gets older.

It won't be an overnight change. Around 2nd grade is when the affects of the radiation start showing up. He will fall behind his classmates and struggle to finish high school.