I got some clarification about one of the options. It's called a tripple stem cell treatment. The stem cells come from the bone marrow. It was decribed correcty in an earlier post. It is gathered after a chemo treatment and injected back into the body at a later time.

The oncologist called my wife yesterday. She wanted us to get a second opinion from Chicago. My wife mentioned St Jude and the oncologist thought that was a good idea too. Chicago is doing a trial using the triple stem cell treatment and an experimental drug with NO radiation. St Jude is doing radiation but has very specialised people inplace just for children. We are going to try hard to get into St Jude. Even if it is the same type of treatment that the U of I is doing, St Jude really helps out with the bills.

As if things couldn't get worse, I got a call from my mom at 4:00 this morning. She had to take my dad to the ER. He had atrial fibrillation and needed a shock to get his heart beating correctly again. I walked into his room and said, "What are you trying to do to me here?" Anyway, we hope it was just a fluke. He's home and is doing fine right now.