

No, I did not miss the first thread... The majority of people saying something if flawed are the Altercation supporters sayin the stock stuff doesn't work well....

I think if it is one thing that has been proven, the faster/fastest cars out there are cars using the stock based components. At out last Auto cross event, The fastest car was our Challenger on 200 TW tires, and I was fourth in the Road Runner, also on 200 TW tires. The two cars that beat me were 1st gen Camaros, both with full C6 vette underpinnings, and one of them was on R-Comps. Both the Challenger and I never did a run without passengers. The field was pretty varied, had new muscle from the big three, an 09 ACR Viper, and plenty of older muscle.
I think that the only black eye given to my/our record was at the 2011 OUSCI, since the Road Runner was completely unprepared for that event, but I still beat out both the other Mopars there overall in points.
That said, our cars, on leafs and torsion bars are still more capable than most other cars. At our track days, The Road Runner has no issues keeping up with Spectre's Carbon Camaro, and many of our other cars. I'll be tearing the car down a bit next month, for more tire, more motor and less spring/more sway bar in the front as well as seeing if we can get the trans shifting a bit better (high speed down shifts are no bueno right now).

Track times and speeds are quantifiable measurements that cannot lie........