
Can you share any insight on the cam and head flow for this beast?....I happen to be running the same springs but with the Ti retainers.

also are you looking for a moderate RPM motor or a high-winder?

I was prepared to go TI if I had to but Ryan recommended against them - stating they would get chewed up by the damper of the spring. I researched it and Manley and Comp also concur with Ryan. I never doubted Ryan, I just wanted to see if there was a common knowledge I was missing, and apparently the manufacturers are aware of the issue.

just an FYI - I have no idea on the longevity we are talking about but the tool steel is regarded when used with any damper.

Ryan was kind enough to spec out a comp custom roller for me to coincide with his heads - The comp specs:

Dur 258/262, Lift .639/645 w/ 1.5's

I'm looking at this point to make this a midrange motor - 3000 - 6500 - Ryan stated he could throw a bit more duration for more top end, but stated it was a safe, killer piece from 3200 - 6400.