OK - Whew - what a long day yesterday was - went to the machine shop for about 4 hours yesterday and got the following information:

Block - Sonic'd out good and magged good - .400+ on the thrust sides ( X block) and mostly 200 - 300 on the other sides of the cylinders.

after the steel shot machine the thing looks good as new -

Before :


On to the Crank -

We checked a number of things to determine the overall quality and condition of the crank. - all measurements were taken at 62 degrees F

1 - straightness - .001
2 - OD of the Mains - 2.4998
3 - OD of the rod journals - 1.9995

4 - Taper of rods and mains - ( worst one ) .0002
5 - Out of round - NA
6 - OD of the snout ( to fit balancer later ) 1.532
7 - Stroke - we came up with 4.133" for all throws except one - that was the 3,4 journal and it was 4.134"

The stroke was longer then anticipated, and adds 2 cubic inches to the build, but they are all consistent with one being one thou longer.

We can play with deck heights to get thins to work out fine, so it's not an issue and the other measurements were impressive to say the least. I dont know if the colder temps ( 62 ) had anything to do with the measurements since i think the standard is in the 70's.

Just another thought when i got home last night I went to callies site and looked at the $1100 dragonslayer crank specs and what they guarantee their cranks to spec out at - here is the quote -


These shafts are machined to the tolerances demanded by today’s high performance engine builder. Roundness and taper are held to less than .0003 on all rod and main journal diameters. Our final polishing procedures produce excellent load carrying surfaces that ensure extended bearing life and trouble free operation.

So for half the price I got a crank within the spec of the Callies Dragonslayer - not bad in my opinion!

Last thing we checked for was the oiling holes were indeed drilled all the way - and they were!

Didnt want to leave any stone unturned with a new part and have an issue later.

BIG THANKS to Fonse Performance - they took good care of me yesterday!

Last edited by DJVCuda; 01/30/11 04:20 PM.