
You planning on running a 2.26 rear gear or something? 2.65 first gear is fine, anything lower is getting into granny gear territory.

Really I run 3.09 first with 4.10 rear and I like the way the car launches

I bet it launches great and teaching your wife/kid to drive a stick with that setup is easier, but i also bet the shift to 2nd is quick at WOT. It's all in the balance, I have a 65 Cuda with 3.55 gears and relatively short (~26") tires. I don't need, or want a 3.09 first gears. If I still had my 64 300 with the 4.10 gears and 28" tall tires I still wouldn't want the 3.09 gears, but my cars are al street oriented, not strip.

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They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.