
wow... 493 u obvioulsy missed the entire point of the corn field reference... sadly i guess its a bit much to hope for some kind of higer intelligence. LOL.
I dont get why u guys take everything so dang literal, ok so u dont have 35k in your car (b.s.) how can a kid buy one of these things especially with todays economy and nobody wanting to spend the money for a "kid" to get his car.

I'm going to bet ur from back east huh?
what ever i'm over it...... for now. Ill respond with more fun tomorrow or later, i gotta go get ripped with my bong... idiot... Most people who have AA tag lines u know they are actively in the disease... must be the south east

i bought my 71 satellite with 440 for 1250 when i was 16, just 6 years ago - until recently with the 440 build, new wiring, gauges, etc. i probably didn't have another 1500 in it, with 500 in new heads and 500+ in new tires, not to mention the 300 in paint for a friend to paint it (that was a mistake, should have paid a pro or done it myself). but, i've busted my ass since i was real young working a minimum of 20 hours per week (construction around 40 hours per week even during high school, except during sports seasons). guess it's just how much work you want to do and time you want to invest - i may not have the best mopar of the young crowd, but it's mine and it runs plus is dependable.

even with my new motor, i'm still probably less than 5 grand, but i do everything myself with "moral support" of family. plus i own an 05 mustang as well - no help buying my cars from my parents, and i've had quite a few.

'71 Satellite Sebring 440