
The cars are quick, theres no doubt about it. You can call me closed minded all you want but I have a buddy with a 300ZX Twin Turbo, and another with a Mitsubishi Mirage with a 4G63 out of an Eclipse GST running upwards of 20 pounds of boost. I drove it, it was fast (had nothing under 4000 rpm though), but im not into it. There is still no replacement for displacement. At the end of the day if you want to match the boost of any smaller engine running boost, you will make more power.

As far as the EVOs and STis go, they are very over rated due to the 0-60 times and ETs that they run because of their AWD. If you race one from a stop then that matters, but in my area most racing is done from a roll. My friends ZX TT has absolutely waxed every STi thats ever challenged it from a roll and its pretty stock. He only raced one EVO and by 90 he had put enough distance between them that the EVO gave up.

Also, have you ever calculated the first gear ratio in one of those things? They arent surprisingly quick because they are so much lighter than our cars (theyre not) or because there is some black magic to the engines. They are geared extremely quick. First overall is over 13:1 and even second is like 9:1. With that kind of gearing it better move.

I know my competition, and I know how much money these guys dump in their cars. One guy I know of is 60000 into his car to put down almost 500 at the wheels. Even a used high mileage EVO costs 15 K + and thats a good deal. At the point at which I'm 15000 into my car it will be in the 11s with a FRESH engine, not a 100000 mile engine that some kid has beaten the crap out of before me which has had two atomospheres of pressure inside the combustion chamber everytime the pedal was mashed.

I just read a forum post by David Buschur (the builder of the Talon and EVO that pics were posted in this Thread)

He said he is so heart broken over the Money Spent and the Mis-Mathced combos that come in his door every day. If people knew what they were doing or consult someone that does it would save them alot of money and get a better product in the end.

If that guy spent $60k on a car and only making 500hp. He is doing something very wrong.

Last time I checked, they wouldn't let you do a rolling start at the track. That rolling start crap on the street is BS, Been there done that. Its just giving the guy that hasn't invested in his suspension/traction or a mis-matched combo 1/2 a chance.