
493 dart
Thats very impressive you bought your car when u were 16, good for u. as did i. (actually 15) 11 years ago. now here is where the problem lies, would u sell your dart to a kid that wanted a muscle car for an affordable price? i.e. 2500? NO? Hmmm didn't think so. so now we have a market of cars that young kids cannot afford to purchase, maintain or even get gas for.
Well, heck i guess we should look down on them (and myself) and talk smack to them and the cars they have. Even though the blood sweat and tears that go into everyones car are the same. I mean that is unless you pay somebody to turn wrenches on yours...
so now that u have this dart, i have my barracuda and this guy has his... and that guy has a ... all of a sudden the $250 darts and cudas and camaros and novas are gone... and people probably much like yourself want 35,000 for their car. or the guys that have 25k invested and want 12500 for the roller with 90% of the parts to make it run. so yes, lets turn up our noses at hondas, mitsubishis, kias, or whatever has a fart can attached to it. beacause you know what, who cares if they can't afford to buy one of your over priced mid life crisis cars. No excuse!!! you mowed lawns to and ran backwards through corn fields naked in 98 degree heat when u were
16!!!! and lets just analyze this for one second more.... u did all of this while u were 16 and bought a car? obviously it wassn't purrrdeee when you got it. must have been pretty cheeeeeeep! but heck they were around just 10 short years ago, i know cuz i got mine after running backwards through corn fields too

im sorry to all, i just can't seem to stop myself

Kids that cant afford old cars? maybe just everyone has too high of expectations...my car may very well be a pile but sitting at like 1900 including all the sanding, primer, rims, tires, getting it running, SBP disc swap and the cost of the car (and an A body 8 3/4 housing, backing plates, 71 virgin 340 block that is apart and other things)And i bought my car just over a year ago so cheap cars are still out there, i guess most kids CAN afford to build muscle cars, the fact is they are all hung up on "the fast and the furious" and think they can do the same things. Apparently most kids just choose to drive riced out piles and THINK they are fast.

Sorry i couldnt stop myself either