
"Have to cut the kids some slack. Yeah they like Hondas. That is probably all they or their parents can afford. When your under 25yrs old the cost of ownership of a car of any sort is expensive enough. Much less adding the modifying. "

you gotta be F kiddin !!!

I BOUGHT my own car when I was that age . I MOWED LAWNS and washed freakin dishes and De-Tassled corn for HOURS in 98 degree heat to earn money to buy my car when i was 16 .

If their parents are BUYING these kids these Rice boxes -- i have 100% LESS respect for them now !

I remember the pleasure i had when my road runner spanked all the cars in high school , ESPECIALLY the rich kids who's mommy bought the car for them

I bought my own car as well before I was 16. Worked at a convenient store and Horse farm. Paid $850 for it took me almost 14 months to save up the money. It was a 1981 Chevy Luv (Isuzu). Traded it for 2 vehicles 1970 Chevy Pick-up and a Ford Thunder-bird before I was 16.

I only wish someone would have paid me to Shuck Corn. I had to do it for free in 100*+ Georgia summer heat and Humidity.

All that go out and work and be an Adult at 16 is BS. I was a straight A student in school until I got a job & car. Then fell to barely cutting B's.

Funny how all the kids around me that Mom & Dad helped them get their Cars and Not working were still making Straight A's.

In today's world that old mentality of go out and get a job isn't cutting it any more. Better get the education first.

Even if you do decide and can find a job as a 16 year old your looking at $5-6/hr and maybe 25-30hrs/week that turns out to about $100-180/week. After Fuel and Insurance your Broke. Even if you paid for the vehicle outright.

Times have changed. Either you change and progress with them or get left behind.

Like was said before. Try to buy any kind of Muscle anything today on a Teenagers income??

I sold that 1970 truck I mentioned before in 1993 for $400, today the same heap (it was in sad shape BUT drive-able) would cost you an easy $2500+. And still need another $1000-2500 to be street worthy.

I sold my Feather Duster in 2004 for $2200 thinking I could get another one later for about the same price. Slant-6 4-speed Duster, not very sought after should be cheap. Yeah RIGHT I started looking in 2006 when I got back from Kuwait. Anything that didn't need work just to be able to drive was $5000+.

I got 3 kids of my own.
I'm still debating whether they are even getting cars of their own before they graduate???

Even if I do decide to let them, I'll probably buy it and it will be what ever I can afford at the time, and they will be doing the Work to get it road worthy and the Maintenance. BUT I won't be like my parents who left it all up to me. I will jump in and Guide them. Be a DAD for them.

That's what Dad's are suppose to do support, nurture, and guide your kids. That responsibility doesn't end until you or they die.