I got this marvelous PM form TommQuad who has now decided that he simply doesn't like someone questioning his authority

He says:::

you need to go away, your ignorance and insolence are interfering with the exchange of intelligent information. Some of us have cars with lot's of time and money spent on them and the cars are wickedly fast. You for sure do not have such machines unless you paid for it with a check book. I guarantee whatever pos you have it would never pass my scrutiny.

Please refrain from posting on the thread.
I can't begin to tell you how people like you ruin good things for everyone else.


Nothing has changed

It's very possible that in my day I've been "into" a lot more distributors--not necessarily Mopar--than you've ever seen

Cap tracking is a VERY good indication of whether rotor phasing is very far off

You sir have offered NOTHING in the way of proof for your wild claims that "most" of these cars are way way off

You have no dyno numbers

You have no lab results which gather up various aspects of spark rise time, intensity, trailing edge decay, or spark power or voltage, measured in horsepower, joules, ca-hoonies or cubits

You have no actual graphic or pictorial findings that support what you claim.

And now, since you cannot prove what you say, you are calling me names, making fun of my perceived lack of education, and making demands --along with other name calling--through the PM system.

I am not ignorant. I understand completely what rotor phasing "is." So far you have offered up nothing other than "your engine runs better" in the way of "proof" of this horrid, widespread, incredibly awful situation "we" are in.

The thing some of you one here don't seem to realise is this:

The camshaft timing, the chain slack, the intermediate shaft, nothing outside of the dist has anything to do with rotor phase UNLESS WE CHANGE THE ARGUEMENT to a crank trigger

Additionally, THERE MUST BE by design some change in phasing to accomodate the vacuum advance. So long as the leading corner of the rotor aligns with the leading corner of the cap contact, and the same true on the trailing edge, that IS the best you'll do unless you decide to weld the vacuum advance plate solid.

One last note. I already warned you about personal attacks on my personality, my education, or any other subject. Now you have chosen the "secret" method of PM's. If you continue this personal assault, I will post every single PM that you send me here

If you can prove this with math, with timeslips, with mpg or dyno results, have at it. If you can show me an overpowering pile of distributor caps with carbon tracks which indicate the problem, give it a try.

Otherwise, what you are saying is nothing but conjecture and claims.