The pictures are still ugly so this should fit right in.
CC'd piston tops for 1" down.

You know, it's not just measuring dome volume because there's more going on than that. These pistons have a 73cc dome but with 13cc of dead space around the edges (below the deck) + the valve reliefs, they're effectively the same as a flat at zero + 60cc dome...that's how I like to figure it anyway but my mind is pretty warped.

Dont have any finished heads ready to go but checked a beat/repairable one to ballpark it. Looks like it'll be 10.25:1 with a .040 gasket. Need to Clay piston-to-head to confirm no hemi problems.

ML are the same as CC's....For anyone wanting to do this, you need a drill, a chunk of plexiglass, a 100ml syringe from eBay, some grease and some water. It's not lab quality but will get you within 2 CC's which is plenty accurate enough for anything I'll ever do.

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Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri