Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
10 pounds is 10 pounds. You do that 10 times and it's 100 pounds. That's why guys cars are HEAVY. They have the totally WRONG attitude. They think, "that's only 10 pounds, doesn't matter"........WRONG way to think. If you want the car light, you need the opposite attitude. Remove every OUNCE you can. First thing, is ask yourself "does the car absolutely NEED this part".......if it does NEED that part, how do you make that part weigh less.

Yep... plus.. if it needs that part/bracket.. can
I make it do 2 things so I can remove the other thing..
but yes.. you have to think small but find a bunch of
small things.. like cutting excess bolt lengths down ..
many times they have extra length thats not needed...
brackets on production cars were meant to last 100K miles
and rough use(like off road).. if it was steel... try making
it out of alum.. its actually fun to try and make the car