


I would have likely gone to jail then. Because I am NOT the type, that "because I say so" is a good enough answer for me. I would want specifics as to WHY the vehicle was not legal. I would imagine if you had a Baja Bug, with clipped fenders, exposed motor, no bumpers etc, that would likely be fine, yet the sand rail isn't. I would want to know WHY..........Don't sound like CT is the place for me............LOL!!!

No fenders and exposed engine were just two of the issues.

It was a SAND RAIL that had been plated out of state very much like the one in the picture attached except with a VW air cooled engine.

Yep, those are NO problem here. Had one just like that when I was younger, minus the paddle tires of course. So in your state, no "rails", no "Baja bugs", no Marx Manx dune buggies, no bucket roadsters(if fenders are a requirement)....wonder what the rule is on a jacked up jeep with tires hanging out and clipped front fenders. Sounds like they need to change the state abbreviation to NF(no fun).............LOL!!!

The hot thing around here now is the "crawling buggys". Those tube frame deals sitting on 50" tires, with big blocks and loads of power. See them everywhere. Guys build them for rock crawling and trail riding. Used to see them on trailers all the time, going to the trails. Now you see them all over the street without a scratch. So you KNOW they have seen no rocks.

Ya know Monte, maybe we should clam up about AL street laws. The last thing we need down here is a bunch of CT minded people moving in and next thing we know a false flag school shooting is staged and our guns get outlawed.

Sorry folks, but after checking in to this any car that has any mods is highly illegal in AL. And there are so many skeeters you HAVE to have wipers and fluid (not for the meth injection) to see out of your inspection tagged windshield.

IMO the cops are more concerned about how you drive instead of what you drive.