
A lot has changed but still that is good info as I find myself defending myself quite often as they have 3 cameras watching and listening

DMV in CT has some of the most inept people on the states payroll.

My buddy just purchased a new Ram van for his business out of state and went to the DMV to get it plated. The idiot and supervisor insisted behind the counter he had to pay the taxes on the $4500 rebate and would not let him get it plated unless he did so.

So he coughs up an extra $300 bucks and heads home.

The next morning he is back with a print out from the states own dept of revenue services website indicating DMV is wrong. The supervisor tells him "oh so sorry we can't give you your money back that was yesterdays business and you will have to file for a refund" and wait 5 weeks.


"I think its got a hemi"