To racealot. The shifting is worse the harder I drive it. Mostly 1-2 but 2-3 and downshifting also sucks. Sometimes will take a full 7 seconds which does not sound like a long time but its forever..... The motor mounts are HD and new. The motor is chained down and has very little movement. For now the 715fl lb of torque has not broken the 833 OD. I'm sure it's a matter of time based on what other posters have said but it is stronger that I thought it would be. I didn't plan for an aluminum a833od to back the 543. I bought it before the engine build went that direction. I figured I'd give it try. FYI shifting up AND down sucks. Like I said I'm going to try the previous ideas when I can. If I drive like a granny it shifts ok but that sucks.... I love old guys in corvettes who pull up next to my wife when she's driving one of the Bees or the Shelby and she smokes them. At the next light they come to they stop behind her..... Won't pull along side again. It's hilarious .