hey folks! just been putting some serious summer miles on the ol' girl, just rolled 1300 miles on the hemi, and things are still dry underneath, thank the car gods!

one kind of unsettling thing has popped up, a loud lifter noise. started out as 'tick tick tick', then got really audible. i got spooked, so i removed a valve cover, (THAT was fun.....n't.)

she was rtv'd reeeeeal good on there. anyway, exhaust valve on cylinder number two was about .005 out, all the others on the comp hydraulic roller rockers were at zero lash, as recommended per comp cams.

the adjuster was tight, so not really sure why one rocker got loosey goosey on me. i adjusted it, and it sounded fine, but i have a slight 'tick tick tick' again, which scares me a little more. it has stayed steady right where it's at, so i am just going to ride it out, and see what happens. anyone else have an issue like this?

i tried to contact my engine builder with a few questions on troubleshooting/remedies, as it's his engine, he would know, and i thought it a fair question for such an expensive investment. but, eddie haines stuck to his M.O. of not responding to me at all, with any help or suggestions.

HORRIBLE customer service, end rant.

stay tuned for the next adventure!

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