
Taking the spring out will help take the additional load out of the already warped hood (So you may have a LITTLE less bow in it)

If you fix the bow, leaving the springs out will help keep it its best for a longer period of time, but these hoods are notoriously off, so in my world, any true MOPAR contisour expects to see a bit of warp, a badge of honor so to speak. If perfect, it just doesn't look right to me (as long as you cant see in the engine bay)

You can always try the illusion of adjusting the hood lower at the window, bringing the center lower . . . unsure how bad yours is but sometimes this can help.

i am all about the 'badge of honor', and have had to explain to EVERYONE non mopar that "that's the way they all are", lol, but few get it. it doesn't bother me to have some bow at all....

anyway, it was/is very severe. you could see into the engine compartment, and i already have the window edge upper corner 'dipped' down below the driver fender, hence the reason for looking to lessen it a little bit if possible. i don't need it 'flat', just a wee bit better than it was. seems like it will be, without the spring. (may not have anything to do with the actual hood flattening without it in, but just letting it relax onto the car more, who knows, but it does look better to my eye right now, so i will take it....)

thanks for the tips!