now onto the first fun run in with people saying they can do something for you, and falling so completely short you can't believe your eyes. case in point, my exhaust........

i wanted to keep the side exit theme, because i had the mufflers, side exit pipes, and a solid rear valence, so it just made sense to keep the car side exhaust, like a true AAR. i wasn't sure of the tone that would be coming out of the pipes with the hemi, as the small block with no crossover was rather 'farty' sounding, but it grew on me. the plan was, just use prebent stock hemi headpipes, with crossover and adapt to the existing mufflers/exit pipes.......

there is a midas, literally behind my house. i didn't want to drive all over town with no mufflers, so i went and 'interviewed' them to see if they could handle the job. THREE times i went over, before bringing the car in, explaining to them that it was a 'show quality' car, and that this needed to be perfect to match the caliber of the rest of the build, no 'newbies' welding on it, i would be present though out the day, i would supply the materials, you just do the fabbing/fitting/welding. their lead guy, "oh yeah, no problem, we have done all kinds of show type vehicles". i explicitly stated that he do all the work, as i did see some 'new hires' there as well......

the car gets dropped of on a saturday morning, on the lift it goes. i lay out all the pieces on the floor, showing exactly how i want it to go in the car. the headpipes were a little wonky, one was lower than the other, and factory style had one tube with a straight exit, the other was curved to the outboard. i told him, "either make them both straight, or both curved, as i want them to match. and you need to tweak the headpipes, so the exits are level. you see the mufflers from the back, so they need to be perfect. got it?" "yep!" comes the reply. "then i will see you in a few hours". i made it back at closing time, the car was 'done' and off the rack, but needed a few 'pin holes' to be finish welded on monday, and i was to bring the car back for that, and then make payment. i took it home, and put it up on my rack......

what was to come, is nothing short of un believable.........