



OH wow,....many THANKS for the pics!!
It appears my set up is exactly like yours (looking at your motor) EXCEPT on yours the stud poking thru the Ebrock Chrysler adapter is sitting to the right side on the slider bar, while mine sits to the left side on the slider bar….this is in idle position, why would mine be different? Also I have the slot on my kick down rod positioned so that its mounting bolt is slid all the way to the right end. Looks like yours is the same way? I just went for another short trip and the ol girl just has no giddiyap for some reason. No kick down action still, if I floor it at mid range (35-40 mph) the carb will open up (WAAAAAAHHHHH) but no gear change....its in drive (3rd gear) all the way up. I know she has some kick to her....

Did you get the slotted bar set up so tht it is like the picture i posted above ? If not then your not setup correctly and it will not do what you think it should do. It needs to be setup like it is in the picture above.

Keep on driving it the way it is and it won't be long before you are asking ...

Why does my trans only have 1st and 2nd gear ???

ARE YOU SURE???? I just got back from running her, I made the changes suggested by A12rag and WHAT a difference, (i also seem to have all gears as I tested that before even backing down the driveway (safety first, ya know) results: MORE POWER from the moment I pull out into traffic. The geometry of your setup looks identical to mine but for the difference in the position of the sliders (mine vs. yours). I don't know why that is, maybe could be that your car is OEM 4bbl and mine is not, the linkage setup might not work out to be exactly the same. If there is something still messed up I'll continue wringing it out...I still think there is still a little bit more thrust to be had...but this is way more like it. THANKS A12RAG

First off the picture is not mine , I pulled it off another thread .

I'd like to know how you tested all gears before backing down the driveway , did you do a brake stand and feel it actually shift thru all 3 gears ... safety first ... ??? shifting the shift lever thru the gears does not confirm that the trans is operating properly if the car is not DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD ...

Ok now that I have that out of my system.

The picture I posted above of the rod with the slot in it has to be as it in in the picture, if it is not then it is not connected properly and you are going to damage the transmission.

I looked at your picture again , the spring you have is too long and it's not pulling the rod that goes to the trans forward , if the rod going to the trans can not come forward then something is WRONG.

This is the problem when you mix parts from different cars. A friend of mine has a one piece setup he bought that he didn't end up using if you can't get the correct parts .

Oh, Ok… you posted that pic, and there was no disclaimer, so I assumed it was your ride. My apologies if that assumption was offensive (I thought it looked nice and I had pangs of jealousy, but whatever).
I will keep at this transmission thing until I get it solved…sadly I can see from the timbre of this discussion that egos are beginning to come into this and all I was looking for was a bit of advice since I’m not a full time mechanic just someone who digs spinning wrenches on Chrysler cars in my garage for time to time…I’m not stupid and I can read small print just fine. I will try all the suggestions that have just been posted thus far. Thanks.