My old truck is equiped with a tunnelrammed 528 hemi, the cam is 272/274@.050, 8" convertor, 4.56 gears with a spool. You can't wipe the grin off my face when I'm behind the wheel. It will drive or idle in traffic all day long without a hitch. The mileage isn't bad either all things considered.
Two things come to mind though, you have to drive it according to the conditions, it can get away from you real quick if you act dumb. It WILL kill you if you let it. And if you're going to run it down the strip occasionally you WILL have to upgrade a few things. A Dana, better suspension, and some saftey equipment should be at the top of your list. If you're like me though after a couple weeks you'll get used to the power and NEED MORE. Dave