Got the block bored and decked last night - the cylinder to cylinder center to centers were not off too bad - the worst was 2 thousands - there were a couple exact ( .0000 ) so thats cool

The Rottler CNC will bore the exact centers for all the new pistons and have the bores exactly where they are supposed to be.

After all the cylinders were punched out we decked the block.
Remember I said earlier that the deck was flat - but not square to the deck? well after the first cut you can actually see the difference in out of square...

This shot was taken as the second pass was being made on the deck. - you can clearly see the top of the deck was taller then the bottom, and not it is square to the cylinders.

Like I said before the block was built at a very reputable shop - imagine what it would look like if it was

Thanks again to Fonse Performance for all the help !