
It's a very well known fact in the industry that the late model motors are designed and built better then ever and last longer then ever.

I grant you that fact.
Hopefully, you'll you'll allow me to express something I believe in. It's a guess. No facts to back it up.
I feel if you take a good 60's - 70's engine, and, rebuild it using the best of today's components, it will last longer than today's overstressed (in my opinion) engines.

Also, take away the 'puter from today's engines, I feel, actually puts them at a disadvantage.

But again, I WILL grant you theyare seriously more efficient at extracting the last hp out of engines designed today. I just don't think they are "better". I really don't want a 3.sumthing engine putting out 500+ hp in my DD. I hate things run at 150% day in and day out. I feel safer crossing a bridge with a safety factor of 2 rather than one that has it's capacity at it's 150% physical limits. Yes the new bridge will work quite nicely. When new.

One last question to ponder, and maybe slightly OT, but what do you think an engine designed TODAY would look like if gasoline was still at $0.25/gallon (comparitively), and, let the marketplace drive design rather than federal regulators?.

Last edited by Commando1; 07/18/10 03:39 PM.