

I think there was about 35 Plymouths.Dodges less.Lots of them lost to Nascar Racing.Wasn't there a couple at the Hemi-reunion?

Mike, I'm really skeptical that most went to NASCAR. I assume you've seen the old historical blueprints/build info for the race cars. With the amount of modifications done to these cars, I can't imagine Chrysler sending race teams anything other than rollers to chop to hell. Reed would absolutely know more on this.

My understanding is that in '64 as they were just getting started with Mopars, Nichels Engineering tore down complete cars to convert for NASCAR, etc. How many? I don't know. But Nichels himself relayed this story before he passed. Whether they were Hemi cars, I can't say either. Those 1964 cars were modified pretty good, but not to the extent of the late 60's stuff.