Reed, I think the 2% car was delivered, one of 2 Plymouths & 2 Dodges; I'm not aware of the car ever having a standard wheelbase. I'm referring to the 10"/15" AWB conversion of that body. As a 2% car it had the relocated front suspension & K-frame, clearly visible in photos when the car wore "650" as its #, mag fronts, black steel rears. My point is that at that time Chrysler would ship bodies & parts to its contracted racers; that's what Cecil got to facilitate the car's later conversion.
I would think that the "block of wood & a hammer" is a bit of understatement; it would appear to reference the rear axle location, which of course would also require centering/locating pins & holes and shortening the driveshaft. I've thought Chrysler did the 2% mods because they were pretty deliberate about only building 4 2% hardtops, using the '64 2% parts on those specific 4 '65s. I'll check with Cecil on that, as it's certainly possible that they just shipped the stuff to Melrose. That would be consistent with the logic of their later shipment for the 10/15 inch deal. I can post a clarification if anyone's interested.