I appreciate the info I was able to gleen from this thread.
In 64 I was 7 years old, yet my favorite cars were from 62 to 68 as I followed super stock drag racing by getting discard magazines from a older neighbor kid.
Occasionally I got to see some racing.
I've been fortunate enough to have started in this hobby with a 383 car back in 73 and have had a few performance models because I stayed with the hobby.
I recently picked up a gennie mw block to build a clone as my finances and space will not allow another real car in the fleet.
I will say I find it odd (and too bad) that info is not shared well on these rare cars (mw/hemi 62-71) as they are on other models.
Never had I been snubbed until I got into a performance car.
Don't get me wrong there are a majority of people that freely share to the betterment of all, there are exceptions however. Seems like more so since the mid 90's.
I think everyone should chill and remember why we're in the hobby. If it for the fun or history, or if it's the profit.
My own feeling is that the info should be freely shared between hobbiests and the profiteers can pound salt.