I remember Shirley muldowney...showed up at the night of fire...??
now some of you older guys may confirm or dispute this..but i understood atco had Phenominal traction...back then..?
here goes my story..
We were hangin around their pit..i asked him what he thought of the track..(her son,,I assume?)
He said..it held that last past pretty good.
We all stated.."yea this track hooks good" something to that effect..what did i know at that age---10/12?
so He says...we'll see..on the next pass....
I was askin him if he was gonna put more fuel in it ..or more clutch..i dont remember his response..
i was trying to sound knowledge-able....lol..
but the next pass the car stayed hooked....the whole way down...dont remember if it was a fast pass or not...
...but when i returned to the pits we asked him what he thought...(you know standing near them as they worked on the car)
he said..while not looking at me...
"NO &**& that thing hooked hard.it almost burnt up the motor...?"
lean? i assume..?
he turned..and realised it was us...the same kids from earlier....
he said." i didnt think it would take that much clutch....by golly it did..."
he said he was gonna put a "tune-up" that was either gonna blow the tire off or run a hell of a number..."
next pass it stayed hooked...lit flames 4ft tall out the pipes...all the way to the end...
they announced over the p.a. it was something..a the fastest ET or the fastest MPH..for the track..
cant remember which..
we of course..hurried back over to the car..
and they were flabbergasted....
i got a picture of us there next to the motor..
..somewhere..i havent seen it in yrs...

now its your guys turn....

still got more though

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured