All this bashing, sniveling and whining is one of the reasons I just stay away from all these boards.

Do you guys think that BG is the only one that has issues with QC...NOT. Every single part we use or sell has to be checked, repaired cleaned before it can ever be installed or sold to a customer. I would estimate that no less than 35% of every part we check has some sort of issues, some very small and some just rediculous.

I've been selling, repairing, serviceing and modifying BG Carbs since they came to market and have shipped them to 23 countries around the World. Yes they may have a few issues, not an issue to the end user when you buy from a competent, knowledgable retailer who checks this stuff out before he slaps a UPS label on it, grabs your money and refers you to the factory 3000 miles away when you have a problem.

We pretty much only sell the Mighty Demons and Race Demons now and everyone of them gets stripped down inspected and a good baseline setting put on it to be sure it'll fire up and run when the customer gets it.

We have only returned 2 Mighty Demons in the last ...guessing ....15 years? Those 2 had issues that we couldn't fix here in our shop, that's 2 out of maybe 3-4000 Carburetors? I wish I could say that about some of the other junk that we fight with daily.

Most of the MD's we sell now are our modified versions and we have a compiled a long list of very happy customers over the past 3 years.

BG Carbs have some small issues on occasion, we know what to look for and how to quickly fix those problems as they arise. We very seldon whine or snivel to the factory and if we find issues we simply advise our contact and they are always prompt and happy to send us a bag full of small parts to be sure we can fix any future issues.

We basically have a ZERO return or warranty rate on Mighty Demon carbs. Our techline calls on our Modified MD's are 1/10th what they are on the stock ones and that's because we know how to set up the air bleeds and baseline a carburetor properly to the application before it's ever bolted to a manifold.

The biggest issues we run into are not the carburetor but the ignition timing events that cause most of the problems. At least 1/2 our carb sales go out the door with a distributor recurve, that package has proved to be virtually flawless.

As I state in my book at least a 1/2 dozen times "Ignition 1st and then Carburetion." Everyone always wants to point their finger at the carburetor, but when your pointing your finger at that carb, remember there's 3 fingers pointing right back at "YOU".

Here a link to a 12 minute movie that goes through the basic set up of a new carb:

Take 12 minutes of your time and watch it, hopefully it'll help, it sure can't hurt.