


Filing bankruptcy does not necessarily mean they are broke. It is an easy way to stick all your creditors and come out clean.

For me the question is....How in the hell does Barry Grant stay in business with all the junk he sends out the door?

Our quality has improved quite a bit over the last couple of years as times have gotten tougher in addition to overhauling the customer service end of it. Although we wont always be able to make everybody happy we do have a lot more satisfied customers then we have had in the past.

Tech, that is good news. I once got a set of BG carbs for a magazine article I was supposed to write. The carbs didn't work at all and when we opened them up to check it out we found a bunch of metal shavings inside.

The shavings problems were a couple of years ago and we have admitted to and addressed what was done to help correct them on a lot of the other boards. Also around that time Barry cleaned house in the Tech department along with some other changes to better serve the customer.

Some of the changes made to deal with the shavings were:
[1] A timed ultra sonic wash machine was added to clean the metering blocks in.
[2] We found the gaskets were picking shavings up from the work surfaces so we built enclosed dispensors and mounted them above the benches.
[3] Assembly benches had vacuum systems added to them to pull any material away during htis process.
[4] The way just machined parts were being stored and carried throughout the building was also changed and wire meshed baskets were added.

We have added several other steps as well and continue to tweak on the QC end of things.

My office will randomly pull carburetors after being assembled and take them completely apart looking for even the smallest of things and then have meetings with the involved department managers to discuss these findings as well as letting them know where other areas have improved.

We have also added julian date codes tot he boxes so we can track when a carb was built and most recently implemented a paint and stamp system on individual parts so if an issue arises we can go direclty back to the employee involved.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com