
In the end the term bankrupt means somebody made
a bad choice. Now, somebody is going to get
screwed in the end plain and simple. No need to
sugar coat it. The big guy wins, the little guy
gets squashed.

As for Barry Grant INC. The need way better QC!
I've had 4 carbs and so far they have all worked
great. Some after I did a little fix'n on them.
Small parts missing here and there. I do like the
new Speed Demon 750 v.e. with annular boosters.
Way more mid range than the old carb.
On the street, thats what you want.

If you'll pm me some info on when they were purchased and what was missing I will pass it along to the department managers. Also if they had any stampings or paint mark would be helpful. If you get another one with an issue send me a pm so I can get some info from you and address it with those involved as well as getting you whatever is missing.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com