Originally Posted by 5thAve
If you have a fuel filter after that line you replaced it should have caught whatever you shaved off changing hoses. But at least you found the problem.
I've never had one of those carbs that ran right for too long they were always very picky with changes in weather.

I don't have a filter there and that's the point otherwise I wouldn't be in this mess! Trying to switch out one foot of fuel line turned into a nightmare because the flared end of the metal line attached to the frame was too sharp!
This van didn't run great from the get go because of the carb but it wasn't the carbs fault it just needed a little tlc and eventually I rebuilt it which had and still has this van running like new! It's a world of difference and the issue at hand isn't the carb itself, it's the debris caused by the sharp flared end on the metal line!

I have the exploded diagram(picture a few posts back) for this carb and it shows there's a cavity inside the carb where the inlet connector goes where there's supposed to be a spring/filter combo to prevent just this! I have a spring and metal screen(pictured) that will go in there perfectly and that's what I'm about to do! That's going to be the best solution at the moment! If there is more debris in the line/pump the screen will catch it and if it clogs it will be easy to clean out until all the debris is gone! It's what's supposed to be there according to the diagram!
