Originally Posted by Dragula

What prompted the move?

My daughter just finished her 1st year of college and when she finishes her 2yr degree, we are free to leave almost...My mom has had a bad 2 years, and we are waiting to see how this goes. Currently my only two reasons to stay for a bit more.

But for us here in Buffalo NY,. its the crap political climate that is forcing us out. They believe in running ever aspect of your life here and lots of taxes...Can't stand it anymore. Gonna make a web page when we leave of all the things wrong with NY...

Unlike you, I cannot afford to keep my current house, and buy another...We have chosen the great state of Tennessee to move to. And one of the cars will probably get sold to help with the move as well.

Good luck in your major move...

Thanks.....you too.

I think we just want something new to try. If it doesn't workout, we will still have our home here.

Arizona is a beautiful state and offers a lot, but it's slowly eroding away with nonsense. It's just getting way over-populated. I live in a really nice area with slow population/limited growth, but everything outside is blowing up causing issues - increased crime, rise in population, local and highway traffic is horrible.

Speedworld was a track in my backyard, but closed doors in 2013 - it originally opened in 1961. That was a huge bummer.

Wild Horse Pass is on the chopping block. It's 45-mins away from me. I'm really hoping it survives, but I doubt it. If WHP closes, the only track left is in Tucson. Not a super long tow, but still looking at 3-hrs.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand"

- A. Einstein