I haven't seen any games except Tigers so haven't seen any interleague. I didn't mind the shift in years past, but it got to be to frequent for me. Anyway don't want to beat a dead horse. I'm just glad to see the games played quicker and not all the standing around while these premadonnas think everyone has to wait on them. Another bonus to games moving faster is some of these long winded broadcasters can't ramble on and on! Remember Hawk Harrelson of the White Sox? Omg that guy was so annoying with his boring stories and he'd always tell them when the opposition was hitting (Tigers).

Tigers are in trouble. Casey Mize out, now Manning out (hopefully not too long), and not scoring runs. While I'm not for always blaming managers, I think it might be time for A.J. Hinch to go. Where's Alan Trammell?

Facts are stubborn things.