Originally Posted by HotRodDave
Originally Posted by A12
What's next, less innings, no 7th inning stretch, no mascots, no hotdog, mustard, ketchup, and onion races?? Man don't the stadiums realize how this is going to cut into BEER sales? Oh and how about the fans have to give the home run and foul balls back and no new baseballs if the baseball gets scuffed from a bad pitch, they have to use the same ball the entire game just like we did as kids laugh2 grin

I suppose you still wear a derby hat, suit and tie to the game like they did back in the day?

Ouch! come on Dave, didn't you read the sarcasm there? I've been to many a professional baseball game since I was a kid. Even got to talk to Roberto Clemente after a game at Forbes Field as he was the on his way home. Walked with him from the field exit to his red Cadilac convertible just the two of us, never forget that. How about this view of the game from season tickets, first base side for Cleveland games. Doesn't get much better. Oh and I should add to my sarcastic post, what are they going to do about rain delays and rain cancelations eating up TV network time, I got it make it so all baseball games are played in inside fields or stadiums. This rain delay with my son and I there ended in early AM and I had to go to work the same morning but CLE won with a come from behind Grand Slam I have a nice video memory of. Okay back to the insults and catfight "((((((((PLAY BALL))))))))"

Oh and I don't mind the length of the game, it gives me a chance to spend a long day with my wife and son, family or just friends, now they're going to take that away too just for giant TV networks airtime. Just wait for the arguments about the "clock". Go to some other sport and screw up decades of history on how the game is played. If you don't like how long the game is going GO HOME or turn the channel. Just record it and run through the parts you don't like just like watching Graveyard Carz laugh2 tonguue

Now where did I leave my derby hat and pocket watch? work wink

