Originally Posted by poorboy

I saw the results of the fully "protected" bike rider that missed a curve at about 80 mph and drove the bike through an Aerostar Ford van. He hit the van just to the right side of the center of the front bumper, missed the motor by inches, went through the dash and came out through the back hatch. All that safety equipment he was wearing didn't help much. The only thing the brain bucket did was made it easier to identify who the guy was, but those riding with him knew his name.

Nobody is advocating that you be required to wear safety gear, but that you are stupid for not wearing it and if your example above is your excuse for not wearing it you definitely fall into that camp. When you splatter yourself all over someone else's vehicle it is not just you that suffers. It's the people you hit, it's your family and it's your friends too, it's the EMT's that sponge you out of the vehicle you splattered yourself on. But yeah, it's just you that suffers.

As for the loud pipes saves lives idiots out there, you're the type people aim for.