Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy

You can get into hiding the ecu box, problem with that is the distributor wire is a giveaway so it’s not accomplishing a whole lot.

Anyone knowing enough to notice that will also notice that the Petronix distributor wire is wrong as well.

Google pertronix failure and prepare to reconsider using that.

I doubt that. The petronix wire looks like a stock wire. The electronic distributor plug definitely doesn’t look like anything related to a pints distributor.

Google will tell you whatever you type in. It actually shuffles the deck based on the words you type. I’ll go with the miles and years of trouble free service I’ve had so far. Add to that Halifax Hops experience that they are bad out of the box or are generally trouble free. The OP wants a stock look so that pretty much leads to petronix.

I want my fair share