Originally Posted by terzmo
Well...Petronics is not hard to install and IF I installed it I would keep a small pouch of tools (screw driver and feeler gauge) in the trunk or glove box with the original point setup just in case the 1 in 100000 chance the petronics crapped out. How many in the forum carry a spare ballast resistor. And I could care less if someone "spotted" the difference because of a wire.

Ever since I have been driving Mopars . . . have ALWAYS carried a spare ballast resistor (all my cars have been either points - carried spare points, and then factory electronic ignition) . . . just one of those things you "learn" about your car - especially when a young person that can't afford to be paying someone else to work on car. Used to be I would hit the wrecking yard, find a car with electronic ignition, then grab the distributor, ECU, ballast resistor and wiring . . . pretty sure you can't to that anymore . . .

On my Sport Satellite, when I restored it, I put new wiring harness on it. Got the one with electronic ignition wiring, but extended the wiring so I could mount the ECU under the battery . . . and carry spare ballast resistor, ECU, voltage regulator, and alternator. Oh, and spare fuel filter . . . seems I have helped others with my "parts bin" in the trunk, more than I have needed. . . .

