My first car--circa about 1984 or 85-- was a 1970 Challenger that I bought for $800. It was an original FC7 car and it ended-up wearing doors and a scoop hood from a yellow '73 Rallye, along with multiple primered areas in both gray and brown. Yes, it looked EXACTLY as bad as you are thinking it did!

My brother and I both drove it that way for about a year when my mom decided she wanted to do something nice for me and had Maaco paint it $99.00 orange as a surprise. All the body work wasn't done yet, but I didn't have the heart to tell her that she should have waited on the paint.

Thanks mom! You've been gone three years now, and I sure wish you were still around so that I could thank you again for all the things you did for me.

Sorry for the loss of your sister. I know she'll always be there in your memories.

Chally and Me_1986.jpg