Originally Posted by gregsdart
Originally Posted by DavidDean
Originally Posted by sixpackgut
Every time I come here to visit, I'm on my phone.

I get a pop up "info links" or something that blocks what I'm reading or typing. I get pissed and leave in under 2 minutes.

People asking the same questions that have been asked for years. Come on people use the search or google search
Many other websites are still strong. Yellowbullet, Dragraceresults, speedtalk .
Though facebook groups are popular they eliminate many of the goobers.

A good reason to ask rather than, or along with a search is that different people see it and may have better or more accurate info .
The infolinks adds drive me nuts too! By the way!

You ever checked out the Corners-Carvers site?

They are rabid search Nazi's, and have a lot of decent niche tech, and that is an understatement. Although I agree whole heartily, why muck up a site with multiple repetitive questions, because keeping info all in one place IMO has a lot of merit, Corner Carvers however goes over the top in shaming those they feel violate their IMO clique rules, for little apparent purpose other then promoting their own hierarchy?.

This site also suffers from asking those with self proclaimed great(?) knowledge that can't or refuse when questioned to support their position with reasoning. Seems like a given on a site where seeking knowledge is the goal of many.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.