I've never been around an airport freight ramp but I'm thinking it's a way different thing from a truck loading dock. I'm thinking packages thrown and kicked in to those airplane shaped containers rather than thrown and kicked in to the plane like luggage. Some kinda effort made to balance the load because a nose heavy cargo plane is a way different thing than a nose heavy van trailer. There's also the FAA angle and the real cost of mishaps. Bump your cargo handling vehicle in to a trailer, not that big of a deal even if you put the forks through the wall. Bump in to an aircraft and it's a huge deal even if you don't scuff the paint. I had a FedEx call center as a customer for several years and heard some of the stories.

Having driven a forklift for a few years I'll just say that punching a fork in to a box happens more than you want to know. As for tire tracks, it's less common. Most generic freight trailers have barn doors and the driver needs to open them before backing in to the dock. If the pallets on the tail are light enough and not properly secured they can and do end up on the ground.

Remember the old Samsonite commercials with the suitcase in the gorilla cage? I try to keep that in mind when packing boxes.