This picture was taken in May of 1970, the year I graduated from High School.
1969 red Swinger 340-4 speed that snot nosed Roger Turners' mother bought brand new for him for making it to Grade 12.
1968 Cougar convertible seen beside it owned by another classmate.
Everybody but Roger drove that car, because he couldn't drive his finger up his nose.
It was brand new but never sold until spring of 1970 as a 'demo with miles on it'.
The Chrysler dealership just down the street from the school was owned by Maurice Peters, a real gearhead.
We would walk down to the dealership at lunch in the fall of 69 or spring of 70 and as long as someone had their drivers licence, he would throw us the keys to that Swinger and say 'take it for a drive and see what you think.'
I bet 40 kids pounded that a wonder it never got wrecked.
We had a 2 mile straight stretch on the Parkway were everyone went.
That car resulted in getting me hooked on Mopars..
Maurice replaced the rear tires twice and at least one clutch before that car was bought sitting on the back lot by Mrs Turner.
We had lots of older hot rodded cars driven to school in those days but nobody had the dough to buy anything new,
and the few parents who had a muscle car would not let their kids drive them to school.
I drove my 51 Ford convertible, flat head, 3 deuces, 3 in the tree. complete with lowering blocks and cruiser skirts to my graduation that year.
