Why am I not surprised to see this kind of post by Grizzly?

Whether the pic is BS or not (I'm one who thinks it is), late '70's early '80's there were cars close to this in our parking lots at school. Not EVERY car, but enough to make you long for those days.

And at my school at least, cars that were close to this caliber, were because the kid worked his a$$ off, not because it was funded by mommy and daddy. Where my school was, there were a lot of farms around, and it was usually the guys that lived and/or worked on those farms that had the better cars. Even if the pay sucked, they had the advantage over others in the experience they gained working with their hands and having to repair things to get a job done. Most farms had their own sort of shop usually giving the kid experience working with tools beyond a basic socket set.

One such kid had a '77 El Camino he built up. No blower, but it did have a tunnel ram on it. Car had been hit in front, he fixed the damage, painted it black, built the engine, and called it 'Second Chance'. No it wasn't a SEMA quality show car, but it was pretty impressive for being done by a teen.

To the other extreme, was the kid that had a mid-'70's Mustang Ghia (notchback) that looked like crap, but ran like stink because he swapped out the 4 banger for a V8 (used a wrecked cobra for parts).

And, a lot of the better cars would be parked off by themselves so that they wouldn't get damaged by regular cars and idiots that didn't care, so it kinda did give an appearance of a 'car show' at times.

Just my perspective from the school I went to. Your results will vary depending on where and when you went to HS.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥