Originally Posted By NachoRT74

What are the difference between the standard and the "high lifft" camshafts then ?

I guess the first one of the purpleshaft cams is to the 440s and superbees/RR 383s then

Wondering now about the 400 magnums camshafts too

The lift is not that different, like 0.020" more. I have the numbers, just to lazy to go get them. The duration is bigger as well, and the real reason for the performance increase.

None of the "purple shafts" were installed by the factory. The original purples shaft/shafts were a step up or more from what was installed from the factory in wedge motors. I guess now you can purchase a resto cam from MP. Maybe it is called a purple cam too.

Last edited by BSB67; 05/17/17 10:28 AM.