your secret is safe with me......... after you PAY dearly ! devil glad it was something super easy to fix after examination. up i'm a big fan of the NSRA safety 23 inspection. a second [or third] pair of eyes comes in very handy at catching things a guy doesn't see after looking at everything for a continuous amount of time. a very good friend of mine and i exchange eyeballs constantly in order to catch each other at things we may have missed. now, for the record, are you using nylock nuts or the "deformed" lock nuts for the suspension components ? the reason i ask, is i have found the nylock nuts for some reason, seem to need constant attention to catch when they loosen up. i have seen those come to with in a couple of threads from falling off many times, where as the "deformed" type [i call those "mash nuts, but that is not the correct name, and i can never remember what it is] seem to stay tight untill they need removed. if a cotter key/castle nut can't be used for what ever reason on suspension parts, i use the "deformed" type of lock nut. just my preference. hope you don't run into any more "new car blues". you certainly did your homework well on that one !