Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Originally Posted By birdtracker
so I just came in from the garage. I went ahead and pulled the radiator, fan, alternator and lower crank pulley. I installed the degree wheel so 0 lined up with the TDC pointer. I pulled the drivers side valve cover off and went to put my dial indicator on and the clamp that adjusts broken in 5 pieces. So I will need to pick up new dial indicator base and need to put my hands on a leakdown tester. Thanks for getting me headed in the right direction. Birdtracker

One more thing, make sure the tdc pointer is on true top center first. I made a stop to go in the spark plug hole and touch the piston, rotate both ways and mark, split the difference and bingo, right on.

x2, too much dwell at tdc, and not enough known accuracy in pointer to be trusted.