so here is my weekend in a nutshell. I got there friday at 10:00 a.m and missed #1 qualifying pass. I seen a good racer friend who loaned me a 1150 dominator to try. So on my first pass friday afternoon it went 10.66 but still bogged real bad. So I put my 1050 carb back on Saturday morning and it went 10.41. We only got 1 time run. Went up for round one and went to leave, the car bogged and died without moving out of the beams. Other guy redlighted so I won that round. Went back up for round two and went red. I hesitated at first about running it out thats why it went a 10.50. I ran a qualifying pass on sunday and went .004 red in round one. I put it away and brought it home in one piece. So now I have a cracked header tube and also a small stress crack near the shock tower.