We have been watching the plugs very closely BECAUSE of the number the timing tab is showing. I only gave that number to show how ludicrous it was. I do not believe it is anywhere near the number mentioned. But have not bothered to check any of it at the track as it is a pain to get to most the stuff in the dragster. Will worry about that at home. Needless to say the plugs look good. The plugs show no sign of detonation and heat range and timing look good. So that number is just a number nothing more. Will get that sorted out later as car is still at track this weekend.

No Hunter is not driving the car this weekend. He did at SCSN for us while we tried to sort out the deal. He has also driven it before. I don't fit in the car and my son still has not had the opportunity to get his license yet, that will happen in January. Hunter is a great driver and good friend. Been helping him with his Chevelle this weekend as well. And no doubt he will be wheelin the car again. Unless I feel like figuring out how to get my legs in the car but since I am not a dragster guy not likely to happen. I got it for the kid just cannot find the time to get him licensed.

The SLE was just not holding ANY certain RPM. It just was leaking air and moving wherever it wanted to. So full throttle was rarely that especailly at lower RPM's where it was really affecting things. Was also causing our 60's to move around run to run. All that is now gone, car is 60 footing consistently now and repeating numbers like it did the weak before.

We also had an issue with the delay box, TB switch or TB solenoid. Not sure which yet as we just swapped out all three at once. That came about from HUGE swings in reaction times, as in starting with crooked numbers. The person driving the car this weekend drives a blown altered normally and is generally pretty darn good on the tree side of things so we knew it was not him. Since the change he has averaged .009 on the tree.

In the end the major issue on the not coming up clean deal was the SLE not holding, when you would go to hit the throttle it would not always open fully, certainly never the same amount each time and made it very unhappy. Once we took the SLE off and the car got up on the chip easily. Adding fuel to the intermediate circuit just made it get up that much quicker and cleaner.

In the end I have learned enough about what E85 wants to feel much more comfortable with the stuff. Learned it don't like the cold for sure smile But we overcame that by just squirting gas in it in the morning to fire it and that was enough to overcome that. The fuel definitely like engine temp for sure. We have been 180 in the beams and it likes that for sure, not easy to keep heat in it in the dragster. It sure cools down quick. And lastly you gotta put some fuel to it. We are inching closer and closer to the .20's now and I am happy with this hodge podge combo of bits and pieces. Learn something new all the time. Also learned going to the gas station and paying a couple bucks for fuel aint so bad either smile

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"