Well hang on to your hats we have figured out what this issue was, now we are working on some others that we created trying to fix this one. Anyway long story short as I have to be out there again tomorrow here is what we found. The starting line enhancer had a small leak at the cylinder. It was fluctuating the cylinder in and out causing the throttle to move and open at different increments. Crazy deal that was found late last night.

It is much better now but now, but not 100% still. We are now chasing the carb to get it right again. Just wish it was not at a big dollar bracket race.

Dom we have a -7 plug in the car. We played around with the car tonight on stands trying to get it on the chip cleaner. We have had to RICHEN the carb up a fair amount. Intermediate bleed is much smaller than where we started as is the squirter size. Also have smaller idle bleed in it now too and it is getting much better and gets up quicker and cleaner now. But we are still not happy and will keep working on it. Just feel bad for the driver, as it is a friend of my sons and we have given him a car with issues. FWIW it did run it's best ever as well, we will find those .20's eventually I am confident.

Dwayne you are dead on, to much header. I also feel a looser converter will help a ton. But that's a story for later.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"