That is the plan...the carb pump will be something to get me by and will definetly go with an in tank solution for EFI (Phantom Maybe?) but I would like the lines and anything I can put on it to be compatible so I don't have to duplicate anything. That's why I want the line sizing correct etc. The current pickup is a replacement and it's 3/8". I just want to make sure it will do for now. All the suggestions are great. I have flirted with E-85 as it is coming to this area slowly so I am really only looking to minimize any possible "redo" work. Hopefully, the push lock stuff will work and a simple pump for now.

You can do a little math work and a flow test to
see if your currant set up will work for carb or EFI..
you need .5 PPH of fuel per HP so if you do a flow
test you can find out if you have enough line or
need more flow rate... you can use a base fuel for
your measurements