With hundreds of millions of US currency counterfeit C notes in circulation, more 427 ci 435 horsepower Corvettes sold at auction each year than GM ever built, millions of perfect Rolex clones and Gucci purses sold on the streets from Hong Kong to New York, and museums of the world over burdened by multi million dollar phony supposed 'masterpieces',,,,,why do so many still subscribe to the fantasy that a few pieces of stamped metal and printed paper forms are sufficient evidence that their car is a genuine rarity that deserves a value oft times many multiples of the same car without these too easily(far simpler than most of the examples given above)faked and counterfeit proofs of some supposed illustrious provenance

One day I suspect that this will all end badly for many when the music stops and there is an absence of sufficient chairs for all who seek one.

By the way, when does the ground war begin?

Last edited by Sxrxrnr; 10/02/14 03:19 PM.